Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mastery guide to stopping divorce

Divorce rates skyrocket, broken homes are made, people are left in financial and emotional turmoil that can last their whole lives and then we can look at how it affects children if they are involved too!

What is even more amazing is that statistics show that the amount of love people feel with their partners does not change after divorce! We have nearly half of all marriages break down but the love is still there so what is wrong?

That is a complicated question and perhaps no one can have the full answer. Changes in how modern families work, changes in gender roles, changes in religious belief and many other factors can all be accounted for but in the end the real question is how do you stop the process which is divorce when the love still exists and can flourish?

One guide dares to say you can change all of this? One guide says you can stop your divorce even if the other person does not even try. I am talking about "The Mastery Guide to Stopping Divorce" written by Dr Katie Zalman who is an expert on marriage and divorce and has been in the marriage counseling business for a great length of time.

This guide does not just offer insight into the situation but also gives practical advice and actions to take that have immediate effects for the better as well as a long term plan to keep your marriage going strong.

So if you want to keep that love, stop your divorce and build a marriage that defies the statistics then click below to find out exactly how.

The Mastery Guide to Stopping Divorce


Lena said...

I believe divorce should always be the last thing and that people should

Florence AL Marriage Counselors said...

A divorce is never easy, even if done on good terms there are so many things you have to take into consideration. And if it is not on good terms, that just makes everything that much harder. So avoiding the grief and pain of a divorce is always desirable. There are numerous ways you can avoid excess grief during a divorce.