Sunday, January 3, 2010

How to Cope In A Sexless Marriage - Tips To Rediscover Your Passion

How to cope in a sexless marriage takes a level of commitment to change and solutions that sadly many men and women find difficult to achieve. It is a constant battle with anger, frustration and depression even if things are very bad in your marriage but take heart because there are way of coping for sexless couples that lead to more passion and an end to lonely nights in the same bed.

Dealing with your emotions is crucial to working this out. By maintaining your anger all the time you will end up driving your partner further away as opposed to making them more attracted to you

You need to assess yourself and decide if your confidence has taken a bit of a beating. Confidence is one of the traits that will increase your attractiveness so it needs to be an obvious quality you exude.

Starting the conversation is an important step you need to take. Make sure that you spend more time listening and less time talking.

Knowing how to cope in a sexless marriage can't really be taught. Each marriage is unique but as long as the love is still there you have hope.

For more information and help about sexless marriages then click below for advice from two people who have been through it have been able to cope in a sexless marriage

Sexless Couples

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