Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is Your Marriage Becoming Sexless? Advice For Women Facing a Sexless Marriage

Marriage without the intimacy and release of sex becomes a dull and fragile thing which can destroy a good marriage by sucking the joy and closeness out of what should be an amazing experience in love; physically, spiritually and mentally. If all these great things are enabled by making love then why is your marriage becoming sexless? There are a few conclusions women will come to when trying to define this problem but unfortunately most of them are wrong!

Many women take the path of self loathing believing that their husband does not find them attractive anymore; perhaps they think they have put on weight or do not have time to dress up anymore or they think that whatever fire of passion that was there has gone out because they are too familiar or that life is hard. In any case the wife blames herself which is terrible for mental health and confidence which becomes another issue. Why this is so wrong is that men appreciate confidence in their women just as women like confidence in men, a wife who wallows in self pity because she feels unattractive becomes the thing she does not want to be psychologically and eventually physically driving home a sexless marriage complex that infects both partners

The opposite spectrum are women who blame their man, perhaps they suspect him of having affairs or that he has become impotent and lost his sex drive. This can lead to resentment and sometimes to the wife having affairs as revenge or as a release which only makes matters much worse in a sexless marriage!

So what is the REAL reason your marriage is becoming sexless?

This is a complex issue but what many marriage counselors and therapists have found over the years is that men who stop having sex with their wives are rarely having affairs and nearly always still love their partner very much. What does this mean? It means the problem is more often than not the mans and often it is psychological.

Do you fear your marriage is headed for a break up over a lack of sex?
If so, you need to know you CAN turn this around!
Click below to find out how you can get a passionate and happy marriage and put an end to cold bedsheets and lonely nights

1 comment:

Fat Bastardo said...

If a man lacks libido it's either that he's low in testosterone, or gay.

With women part of the time it's psychological or they are gay but most of the time it's hormonal.