To be blunt, one of the biggest factors in the high divorce rate nowadays is that couples fail to ask the big questions before they take the plunge and walk down the aisle.
If couples simply spent some time asking each other the questions that really matter, they’d greatly increase their chances of staying together.
If only they had spent some more time talking about the things that really matter and also the small things that can make all the difference the chance of a successful marriage would be far, far higher then before which is why this book can be so useful for couples on the verge of that commitment.
That being said is Michael Webb’s “1000 Questions for Couples” the right book to help you in this task?
To be brief, yes. This is a perfect book for this situation for a number of reasons beyond simply giving you questions to ask.
The questions start from lighter more fun ones covering things such as pets, vacations, food, well being and so forth and gradually builds up to the heavier meatier questions such as money, children, career, past and present relationships, religion, morals and even sex.
The amount of questions is exhaustive; I could not imagine any other question beyond what was in this book unless it was very unique and specific to your particular relationship.
It also does not beat around the bush, you get what you pay for and there is no fluff to pad out the book just what you need to know put forth in a way to ease into the bigger questions from the smaller fun ones which I appreciate.
There is also a cute bonus where you can have the ability to deliver 3 to 5 of the questions to your email every day. If 1000 questions sounds too much to handle then this might be a better way to make it more manageable and be able to do this on autopilot!

The author has featured in these shows and publications
There is very little I can say that is negative about this book, it does what it says it will do and you can not ask more than that. I do feel though that some more general chapters about marriage, engagement and relationships could have been added to illustrate the points of the questions but maybe I am nitpicking here.
This is a guide that you get the most out of by using it not as a bible but as a good way to inspire you to find out everything you need to know to make sure they are the right one for you to marry. It is also useful for any couple who may want to explore each other and become closer or as a dating resource for those looking for more topics to talk about when on a date too.
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