Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sexless Marriage? No Intimacy?

A marriage without the passion and intimacy of sexual intercourse may function and go on but it is missing such a vital component it is like having a leak that will eventually deflate the relationship until divorce looms or both partners become bitter and stuck in their sexless marriage. No intimacy in marriages is not as uncommon as you might think either with an estimated 18% of all married couples being classed as in a sexless relationship by having sex less than 10 times per year; that is a frightening statistic that can be compared to the extremely high divorce rate I am sure.

The causes of these passionless marriages is not always easy to track down, many people simply lay it down to a lack of physical attraction or boredom with each other. I find this hard to believe though as there are many married couples who even in old age are passionate and find each other attractive despite the advances of years. Why do some people keep that spark in their lives and others seem to lose their sex drive much to the frustration and humiliation of their partners?

What most experts will tell you is that a couple in a happy marriage with intimacy and passion have a level of communication that allows them to overcome problems in their lives and relationship that the couple living in a sexless marriage do not have. Communication is essential for uncovering the true reasons a person loses their sex drive, it is usually not a physical thing but an emotional burden they carry that could be related to stress, abuse, disappointment, depression, anxiety or a whole host of other issues that they cannot seem to articulate or sometimes do not even know they suffer from but it spills forth in a disinterest in sex.

What this means for those in a sexless marriage with no intimacy is that if the underlying cause of this rejection of your body were to be fixed you could gently coax the fires of passion back to a blazing furnace and keep it that way too!

Before you start trying to fix your sexless marriage click below to discover the top 5 mistakes men and women make trying to fix their relationship problems that just make matters even worse!



Fat Bastardo said...

most of the time with women it's hormonal but it seems everything with them is hormonal.

Testosterone is a the cure but doctors make too much money giving crazy women Paxil.

Anonymous said...

I think we fit in the sexless marriage and no intimacy. Married 45 years and weve only had sex and intimacy once, my first, last and only. I think it maybe lasted a couple of hours. Since then no nothing. Day after we were married he moved to the basement and I have the upper level. He doesn't want me to talk or bother him. I have no idea what went wrong or why. We are like apartment dewellers, he lives on the first floor and I on the ninth floor. And or paths never cross, except if I need something fix upstairs. He'll fix it and turn around and go back down stairs. I always say thank you and he says nothing. I guess depression, disappointment hate are my best friends.